
5 years worth of busy

I haven’t forgotten my responsibilities here. It’s just that last week was a total bear as we tried to push a special commemorating Sirius OutQ’s Fifth Anniversary out the door. The special, “Sirius OutQ News: Five Years in Review” debuts today, Monday, from 5-7pm EDT. As the title suggests, it’s a 2 hour review of the biggest stories in LGBT News since Sirius OutQ went on the air on April 14, 2003: Same-sex marriage, gays in the military, gays in schools, the courts, Congress, state legislatures, religion and HIV/AIDS. It features the first-ever long-form reports by our correspondents around the U.S. and around the world...

La Donna Wengert

Michael Wengert, the OutQ News morning anchor, can be such a diva sometimes. Usually, at the end of my shift, I have an Instant Message conversation with him detailing what I’ve left behind for his morning newscasts. Well, yesterday I didn’t contact him because he wasn’t online the last time I checked and he often doesn’t come online Friday evening because it’s early Saturday morning for him. When I got home and looked at my work email, there was a note from him asking why I had signed off without a word. Was I mad at him for some reason? If I was, I should...

Floating down Fifth

For the second time, on Sunday I rode in New York’s annual Gay Pride march on the Sirius OutQ float. Seeing a parade from a float is an unusual experience. The only floats or marching groups you get to see besides your own are the ones in front and behind you. So you completely miss the parade, from that point of view. On the other hand, you get to see the face of almost every single spectator, which is fantastic. Once upon a time, when I was much younger, I would position myself near the beginning of the Pride Parade route, watch all the floats...

Gay Games pressure

I’m a little crazed now because I’ve been given the responsbility for producing Sirius OutQ’s coverage of the Gay Games. We’re going to produce about a dozen hourly cut-ins every day of the Games covering every aspect, plus one or two news stories for OutQ News. Luckily, I’ll have at least two full-time people helping me on that project. Also, although I will be one of two comentators for the Games’s opening and closing ceremonies, the responsibility for producing those three-hour shows was handed off yesterday to John McMullen’s show producer, Kathy Sanchez. So the question is, why do I not feel particularly relieved? I’m...