I Love NYC Street Fairs, 2017 edition

Another year, come and gone, with no posts. Some day, I’ll figure out what this blog is for–but until then, it makes a good home for my annual Manhattan Street Fair schedule and map.

20150516_144120As always, the information is here to help you find them or avoid them, depending on your inclination.

And, of course, I once again include the standard disclaimers. The information is presented as is, without any warranties, and always with the possibility that the event producers may change their plans at the last minute. There are a few outer-borough fairs, mainly gay prides. If anyone is interested in adding in a more complete catalog of outer-borough fairs, or, for that matter, using the code for the database for their own purposes, you are invited to contact me at .

Have fun! Enjoy the food and the people watching! Buy a cheap bed sheet set!

 Principal data sources for this map are:

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