Gay journalists, cough cough

I would have posted about my great time at the NLGJA convention sooner, but I’ve been sick for ten days (more on that in a moment.) Now that I’m feeling a bit better, it’s time to catch up.

Loews Miami BeachNoel and I spent a few days in Miami Beach earlier this month at the 2006 National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association national convention. The programming at the convention was about like usual, but we had a great time because the Loews Miami Beach is such a spectacular venue for a convention. In addition to beautiful lobbies, rooms, restaurants, and fabulous service, the Loews also has a big, beautiful one-of-kind pool. And did I mention it’s right on the beach? It’s also walking distance to a couple of South Beach’s remaining gay clubs, which I’m sorry to say, have gone a bit tatty.

Still, the convention was, as always, a reinvigorating experience and a fun way to reunite with many of my gay friends and colleagues in journalism. Next year’s is in San Diego, which should be fun — and a little less humid, too.

Less than a week after returning from Miami, I came down with flu-like symptoms… and they just kicked my ass. I was off work for four days, then when I went back for one it just brought on a complete relapse, and I was home flat on my back for another couple of days, until I finally saw my doctor. The doc prescribed a simple antibiotic, and *pow*, within a day I’m better. I’m going back to the office again tomorrow, and this time I don’t think I’ll have any trouble.

Except now, Noel is out sick. But he thinks what he has is viral. We’ll see.

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