Watching the Pink Flamingoes
From my Sirius OutQ @ Gay Games Blog:
This event happens at each Gay Games, and I understand, at national gay swim meets as well. It’s a chance for everybody to cut loose; teams dress up in drag or outlandish costumes and act out skits in the pool and on its apron. I was there reporting a story, so there was a lot of running around in the humid 95 degree climate inside the pool building. But the show and the espirit d’corps was a lot of fun. My personal favorite involved an aquatic re-enactment of “Brokeback Mountain,” complete with members of the D.C. Aquatics Club dressed as the sheep. A riot.
I also ran into a guy I grew up with back in Berkeley, California. I’ve known him since we were both four, and haven’t seen him in nearly ten years. It’s truly amazing how the Games bring people together.