Floating down Fifth

NYC Gay Pride 06 040For the second time, on Sunday I rode in New York’s annual Gay Pride march on the Sirius OutQ float.

Seeing a parade from a float is an unusual experience. The only floats or marching groups you get to see besides your own are the ones in front and behind you. So you completely miss the parade, from that point of view. On the other hand, you get to see the face of almost every single spectator, which is fantastic.

Once upon a time, when I was much younger, I would position myself near the beginning of the Pride Parade route, watch all the floats and groups go by until the one I wanted to join arrived, then walk with that group until near the end of the, jump out, and watch the rest of the parade from the sidelines. That way I could have the best of both worlds. But that took forever, even in those days, when the San Francisco parade was much shorter than it is today. Now, it takes nearly five hours just to ride the New York parade route. I can’t even imagine how long it would take to watch it and ride in it.

The one thing riding a float is not is easier. You’d think that riding the route would be much easier than walking it, but in fact I spent the whole five hours dancing and waving and putting out energy and trying to make Sirius OutQ seem as fun to listen to as it is to make. And let me tell, you by the end of it I was totally wiped out. Even after a good night’s sleep, I was still tired this morning.

I love Gay Pride, but I sure am glad it comes but once a year.

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