What’d I Do?
It’s been a busy week. I’ve got two segments I’m producing, one for “House Detective” and one for “Dream Builders.” On top of that, I spent most of the last week prepping and shooting my regular “Inspector’s Notebooks” for “House Detective.” Plus, I’ve got two more “Dream Builders” segments over the next three weeks. So it looks like I may be able to pay off my tax ‘loan’ a little faster than expected. Yay!
But I can’t get an argument I had today out of my head. I was at the office of a client, turning in some tapes. The post production coordinator for the show asked me if I would, in the future, deliver one of the documents I send them a certain way. I said that kind of contradicted what the editor had asked me to do. So he goes into the editor and says, “Should it be this way or that way?” It was obvious to me that he had framed the question in such a way as to guarantee the answer he wanted (which, not incidentally, makes more work for me). So I interjected and said something like, “No, well, you have to frame the question the right way.” And the guy, the post-production coordinator, just snapped. He yelled at me, said I was always a “smart-ass.” I said, “Hey, however you want it, that’s how I’ll deliver it.” And he stormed off to sulk in his office.
I’m not really sure what it’s all about, since he and I have had very little interaction in the past. I don’t remember being a smart ass with him, but maybe I was. Maybe I’m “always a smart-ass,” like he said. But no one has complained about that, at least, not in a very long time.