Still Wishing for More Good News

This time, my excuse for not writing in such a long time is that hardly anything has happened since my last entry. No new job prospects. I haven’t had a date since dinner and movie with Cherrod a month ago.

I have been pretty busy freelance producing for House Detective, which is good, of course. And I have about another six weeks to go on that. But that may be it for House Detective. HGTV hasn’t renewed past the fourth season, so who knows what I’ll be doing come summer.

The Cultural Alliance of Greater Washington got the final word on its insurance programs. Kaiser has dropped it’s POS plan, as expected. And the Optiumum Choice plan will cost almost $500 a month, so that’s pretty unaffordable. Especially since I just paid my taxes. I owed Uncle Sam and the District of Columbia $3,400, which I’ll be paying off on my credit cards for quite some time.

Ugh. I need to start thinking again about what I can do for a living that has benefits and a regular check. Whether or not it’s in television. Who’d have thought that in terms of career and finances, I’d be in worse shape at 40 than I was a 35?

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