A few weeks ago, I finally edited together the official family Christmas Video. I sent copies to Mom & Bob, the Walls, and Peter. I also sent a copy to Dad, with the hope that it might somehow help along a reconciliation between Dad and the Walls. Of course, what I didn’t think about was that Dad is pretty crazy.
Yesterday, I got two (count ’em) letters from him, both mailed in manilla envelopes on the same day. Both contain rambling letters. They’re kind of incoherent, but basically, he thanks me for sending the tape, says he’s proud of Anne, Richard and Todd and Taylor, and complains about Peter’s betrayal. One of the envelopes included a letter he wrote to the Attorney Discipline section of the State Bar complaining about Peter and Lorraine exercising Power of Attorney over him, taking his money and boat, etc. I have no idea why he sent it to me, nor what he wants the State Bar to do about it. He does mention that “the complaint (meaning, I assume, his complaint) was found to be without merit.”
He also sent along a copy of the St. Augustine Parish Newsletter, with an item he circled about about inviting back to life in the Church those who have become alienated from the church due to (among other things) sexual orientation. Dad’s note mentions that the members of his parish “do not concern themselves with personal orientations, that is a matter between us and the Almighty, who asks us not to wear our ‘baggage’ on our sleeve.” A very effective invitation, indeed.
His other letter rambles on about his dog’s pedigree, and includes the ultra-typical aside, “Incidentally, I have studied Ireland going back to the 2nd Punic War (215 BC).”
Anyhow, at least the lines of communication are open. I just don’t know what to do with them.
Today’s good news: the barber shop across the street was open for the first time in a couple of weeks, so I was able to get a much needed haircut. And it’s a beautiful, early spring day outside; the cherry tree in front of my place is in gorgeous bloom.
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