NOT A Good Day

Yesterday was not a good day.

I was producing “Inspector’s Notebook” segments for House Detective, so I mostly had my cell phone turned off. But whenever I turned it on, it would either ring, or there would be a message.

The first call was a message from the woman who handles the health insurance program for the Cultural Alliance. She wanted to let me know that they were currently waiting to hear from Kaiser Permanente as to whether or not their insurance would be renewed for another year — and it definitely might not be — so she was going to just hang on to my application for health insurance pending word from Kaiser.

(I followed up on this today. There’s also a chance Kaiser will renew, but only on their HMO program, so if I opted for that, I would have to stop seeing my doctor of ten years, Bruce Rashbaum. Not a good option. CAGW’s other insurance carrier is Optimum Choice, which has an POS plan. But the insurance woman said she expected a rate hike to over $400/month soon. Ugh. Back to square one, almost)

Then I had another message from my broadcasting pal mentioned in the previous entry, who I phoned back on a break. He said that his interview at Showtime for the gay cable network has been rescheduled as a phone interview, and postponed until at least next month. Since my friend is pretty desperate to get a job at the soonest possible date, suddenly riding his coattails to my dream job at Viacom is not looking so promising any more.

Finally, the list of proposed panels for the NLGJA National Convention was e-mailed yesterday to all the members of the program committee (of which I am one). And guess what? The panel that I was organizing on behalf of the documentary caucus (on the subject of — you guessed it — the planned gay cable networks) has already been proposed by someone else. So now I’m going to have to go to Plan B on that as well. At least there is a Plan B.

So — nothing catastrophic. But nothing good either.

Well, except for these two minor items: I got booked to produce a House Detective segment later this week. And I finished off my bummer of a day yesterday with a dinner-and-a-movie date with the lovely and talented Cherrod. We enjoyed the Chinese food at City Lights, and “A Perfect Mind” at the Janus Cinema. So at least the day wasn’t a total bummer.

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