
Just wanted to throw this in: For some time, I’ve had my eye on a particular hot Mexican guy who is a regular at the Eagle. Well, last Friday, I got him. His name is Diego; by an amazing coincidence, he works with Beauyn at Temple Sinai (two gay goys, and I know them both!) We had a very sexy tryst. Unfortunately, he wanted to top me, and I wasn’t interested in bottoming, so I doubt there will be a repeat. But since I have another date with Cherrod tomorrow night, I’m not worried about it.

Also, this: I ran into Brad Allison at Remington’s. After I read a few of his journal entry’s that I considered pretty homophobic, I’d gone back to thinking he was a flaming asshole. But we danced (and chatted a little) at Remington’s, and I really enjoyed it. He’s a nice guy in person. And you can really tell a lot about a guy by dancing with him. And I was flattered by the cameo I made in his journal (by sheer wild coincidence, we ran into each other in Raleigh — where he went to college). I’m sure by next week I’ll be back to thinking he’s an asshole.

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