Waiting for Word
Coming up on two weeks since my interview at MSNBC in Secaucus, and still no word. This is slightly surprising, as they told me I could expect to hear from them by the middle of last week. On the other hand, it’s not so surprising because of the number of people involved in the interview process.
It was the most arduous job interview I’ve ever been on. I was interviewed by five separate people, and had to take — get this — a writing test. But it went very well, I thought. All the interviewers said they were impressed with my level of experience. Of course, they had some misgivings about whether I was up to the daily grind of breaking news, and whether I would find that rewarding. But I think I managed to allay everybody’s fears. Anyway, we’ll see. If I haven’t heard from MSNBC by tomorrow, I’ll probably give ’em a call.
Otherwise, the trip to New York was enjoyable. Manhattan is such a fun place. And I got to check out the new Eagle, at 38th St. and 11th Ave. It was a lot like the DC Eagle, only the men were much, much hotter. My new toy, the GPS receiver for my iPAQ, worked really well. The timing of its purchase, however, turned out to be less than perfect.
Upon returning home, I concluded that the hard drive in my desktop computer (see previous entry) is beyond salvage, and the video card is on its last legs as well (not to mention the fact that my Pentium II 233MHz is now four-year-old technology). So I ordered a new Sony VAIO online, which should be here in a week or two. Cost: $1,500.
And my sister, as I had kind of suspected, has decided to get a divorce. Without getting into all the details, suffice it to say that I’m behind her 100%. I just wish I were better positioned to give her and her kids the financial help they will need in the short term, in addition to the emotional and spiritual support that I can offer.