I’m late. I should be on the road to Secaucus, NJ by now. I’m going to a job interview tomorrow at MSNBC. I’m staying in the Times Square apartment of my friend Eric, and I’m supposed to be there by 3pm. But I’m sitting here waiting for my computer’s hard drive to defrag so I can output a custom copy of my demo reel for the folks at MSNBC. And its going. very. slowly.
So I thought I’d take the opportunity to update my journal. I got the interview at MSNBC after the news director at WRC made a general announcement that the Cable network was desperate for producers. A head honcho up there, Ramon Escobar, has been a friend of mine for several years, dating to the time that we were both members of the Miami chapter of NLGJA.
I’d thought in the past about hitting Ramon up for a job, but was sorta dubious about moving to New York. But the combination of my increasingly distressing job/insurance situation here in DC and Bob Long’s announcement motivated me to finally email Ramon.
Ramon immediately hooked me up with his talent director, and, well, here I am on the road to Secaucus. Or should be, anyway.
In other news: I had another great dinner-and-a-movie date with Cherrod last weekend. He’s such a fun and sexy guy. He’d definitely be on my potential boy friend list, except a) he’s made some remarks that lead me to think I’m not on his. And b) I may be moving to NJ or LA at any moment.
Also, I got a new toy with my Christmas money. It’s a handheld GPS unit for my PocketPC. I’ve already used it to navigate to a shoot earlier this week in Rehoboth, DE, and it worked GREAT! I’ll also he using it to drive to New York. It I EVER get out of here.