Move Over, Tony: S.F. may add official song  S.F. Independent, 9/23/97
     "Somehow if has been forgotten. In the last 50 years almost every one of San Francisco's landmarks has been honored with a song -- even the Haight Ashbury has more than a few tunes written about it. But somehow, the Golden Gate Bridge has missed out on a melody. That is, until Independent columnist Noah Griffin wrote, with arranger-producer Herb Goodrich and composer Bob Voss, "The Bridge: Golden Gate...."
A charmed life for sentimental ode to bridge  S.F. Independent, 10/21/97
     "When Carney Campion and John Moylan of the Golden Gate Bridge District asked Independent columnist Noah Griffin to write a song for the Golden Gate Bridge, Griffin -- who possesses a velvety baritone voice -- thought it would be an amusing lark.
     "He asked his friend Bob Voss, a professional musician, to help out, and Voss said 'sure.'
     "Little did they know that weeks later, the song would be declared the city's official song for the Golden Gate Bridge by Mayor Willie Brown and that the pair would have performed the song to raucous applause at dozens of venues -- topped off by upwards of 40,000 fans hearing the song before a Giants game at Candlestick Park...."
A Short Tribute to a Long Bridge Leaves Heartache in San Francisco  The Wall Street Journal, 1/22/98
     "It seemed simple enough: After 60 years of doing without an official song, the overseers of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge decided it was time to commission an anthem to the celebrated span.
     "But nothing is simple in San Francisco....
     "Would-be bridge bards have turned the panel's usually somber weekly meetings into cacophonous songfests....
     "'Two dozen, three dozen, four dozen, they just keep coming,' groans John Fraser, the board's chairman.
     "The board has backed off naming Mr. Griffin's song as the official anthem...."
Tuneful Tribute to GG Bridge Wins OK  San Francisco Chronicle, 1/24/98
     "Golden Gate Bridge District directors tap-danced through a minefield of discord yesterday by designating an official bridge ballad and leaving open the possibility of honoring more tunes.
     "The directors ignored the wails of several rival musicians and unanimously designated 'The Bridge: Golden Gate....'
     "'We're delighted, but mentally and physically exhausted,' said Griffin, who, with music writer Bob Voss, lobbied hard for the designation.... 'We want the song to be a hit in San Francisco. If it's a hit here, it will catch on all over the country.'"
Bridge Directors Pick Songs  KCBS Newsradio 74, 1/24/98
      "You might think it would be a simple matter to pick an official song for the Golden Gate Bridge. And you might be wrong, partially because, as Bridge Supervisor Tommy Ammiano pointed out, the lobbying has been intense.
     "'This situation is getting a little desperate. I received a phone call yesterday from a gay Boy Scout in Florida.' [general laughter]"

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